With over 20 years experience removing horizontal and vertical carousels in the U.S. and Canada, AS/R Systems Carousel Removal Program ensures effective carousel equipment removal.
Low impact processes. AS/R takes pride that your facility receives no damage during the removal process. All components are methodically disassembled and effectively packaged to avoid potentially costly damage to your building.
Minimal Facility Disruption. AS/R Systems removal crews have performed hundreds of carousel equipment removal projects in all types of business environments including warehouse, factory, hospital, and office sites. This knowledge depth and broad experience is key to minimizing business disruption in the direct and indirect carousel removal area.
Selling, modifying, or removing your horizontal or vertical carousel equipment? Let us help! AS/R Systems performs equipment inspections, equipment valuation, and buys horizontal and vertical carousel equipment throughout the U.S. and Canada. Brands include, but are not limited to:
If your company is moving from one facility to another, AS/R Systems can efficiently remove your carousel equipment and install it in the new location. Typical removal times are one day per carousel, another day to re-install, plus shipping time. You can trust AS/R Systems to give you fast, efficient, professional carousel removal and relocation services throughout the U.S. and Canada.
AS/R's Carousel Removal Process